When you enter a game, you must make a full buy-in for that particular game. Bets10 / POKER / Tournament rules Multi-Table Tournament Rules. Alias An Alias is the name that Players in the Multi-Player environment know each other. The following rules apply:. Players cannot have multiple Aliases. Each Player has only one Alias across all Poker Rooms on the Poker Network. No offensive Aliases are permitted.
The 2019 TDA Poker Rules are available in both Word docx and PDF files. Both are also available in a full “Longform” version and a condensed “Short Form” version. The Longform contains rules, recommended procedures, and a large illustration addendum. Short Form contains rules only in a landscape layout that can be printed both sides for “pocket size” convenience. The Longform “Redlines” version contains changes from the 2017 Rules.


Foreign Language Translations
For foreign language translations, please click here.
If you have a question about the interpretation or application of a TDA Tournament Rule, or if you would like to suggest a new rule or amendment, please consider participating in the Poker TDA Discussion Forum.
TDA Recommended Procedures

TDA Recommended Procedures are included in all longform documents above and may also be found on the Poker TDA Forum. TDA Recommended Procedures are intended as policy suggestions and general guidelines that can reduce errors and enhance tournament management. They also may apply to situations that have too many variations to address with one universal rule. The fairest ruling in these cases may require use of multiple rules, evaluation of all circumstances, and reliance on Rule 1 as a primary guide.
Poker Tournament Rules Blind

Poker Tournament Rules Home
Older Poker TDA Rules Versions
Texas Holdem Tournament Rules Printable
- 2017 Poker TDA Rules, Recommended Procedures, and Illustration Addendum
- PDF Format, Longform size: 2015 TDA Rules Version 1.0, Longform PDF
- PDF Format, Handout Size: 2015 TDA Rules Version 1.0, Handout with red changes
- PDF Format, Longform size: 2013 TDA Rules Version 1.1, Longform
- PDF Format, Handout size: 2013 TDA Rules Version 1.1, Handout with red changes
- PDF Format, Handout size: 2011 TDA Rules Version 1.0 with red changes from 2009.
- PDF Format, Handout side: 2009 TDA Rules Version 2.0